Vineyard Communities

Vineyard Communities take our members deeper into relationship with God and each other by developing community in a more intimate setting. These weekly small groups run for 12 weeks in the fall and spring, and create space for ongoing relationship where we can learn, grow, and live life together. It’s never to late to jump in, come join us today!

WEDNESDAYS | 6:30-8:00 PM

The Book of Hebrews

Led by Jon Maurer and Rick Iacobo, this group takes a deep dive into the book of Hebrews, chapter by chapter, exploring its biblical roots and how it can be applied to our lives today.

Vineyard Kids

Led by Debran Haselwood, Vineyard Kids offers a space for kids to play, laugh, and have fun while learning how much God loves them. (On Wednesdays, we offer classes for the whole family so everyone can join in community, without the added burden of finding a sitter!)

Youth: The Well

Led by Michael & Haleigh Bailey and an awesome team of adult volunteers, the Well is a place for students to bring their friends for a time of games, worship, and digging into the Word. Students can build lasting relationships and learn how to really live out our faith.

Women’s Group: Finding I Am

Led by Melina Tabor, this group is covering Finding I AM, written by Lisa Terkhurst, to study the I AM statements in the book of John. This study helps believers trade feelings of emptiness and depletion for a more personal fulfillment from knowing who Jesus is.

Your Spiritual Gifts

Led by Vicki Adema, this group explores how to identify and effectively use your spiritual gifts to glorify and serve the Kingdom of God with our everyday lives.



Home Life Group

LEADERS: Mary Egan, Jason & Melina Tabor
LOCATION: The Egan’s home

Home Life Group

EVERY TUESDAY | 6:30 - 8:30 PM
LEADERS: Jonathan & Jessie Lowell
LOCATION: The Lowell’s home

Senior Bible Study

EVERY THURSDAY | 9:30-11:30 AM
LEADER: Donna Dorse
LOCATION: Foothill Vinyeard Church in the Cafe

Mommy & Me

EVERY FRIDAY | 9:00 - 11:00 AM
LEADERS: Jessie Lowell & Haleigh Bailey
LOCATION: Foothill Vineyard Church

Zoom Life Group

EVERY TUESDAY | 6:45 - 8:45 pm
LEADERS: Vicki & Dan Adema
LOCATION: Online over Zoom

Bowling League

EVERY THURSDAY | 6:50 - 9:00 PM
LEADER: Steve Dorse
LOCATION: Chaparral Lanes

Join a group today