Visiting a new community can be intimidating and overwhelming, but we want your experience to feel warm and inviting from day one. When you visit a new place, there are so many unknowns, and we know having some info can make your first visit a bit less daunting.
Let us answer some questions you might have.
Who is welcome at your church?
Everyone. We don’t believe that you need to look a certain way, behave a certain way, or clean up your act before you come to church. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gone to church for years, if you turned away from your faith, if you don’t believe in God - you are welcome here. We want to create a space where you can encounter the spirit of God and engage with God’s Word, no matter where you are in your journey. We will point people to Christ and the Gospel, but we understand that everyone comes to faith from a different starting point.
When are your services?
Our main gathering is Sunday at 9am at 100 E Foothill Blvd in San Dimas, CA. We have Pre-K, Kids Ministry (K-5th grade) and Youth Ministry (6th-12th grade) every Sunday. We have coffee and donuts available, so come a few minutes early to enjoy a cup of coffee with us.
Where should I park?
You can park in the lot on site or along Foothill Blvd. We have entrances to our facility on both San Dimas Ave and Foothill Blvd.
What should I wear?
You do you! Whatever makes you comfortable. Really. You'll see people wearing everything from athletic shorts and T-shirts to button-up shirts and ties. Some dress up a bit, and many dress very casually. We truly want you to come as you are!
What about my kids?
Every Sunday we have lively and engaging programs just for kids. Kids and Youth Ministry is available every week with age-appropriate classes led by screened and trained adults. Your kids are going to love it! Our middle and high school students worship with us and are then dismissed to their youth gathering during the 11:00 am service.
How long is the service?
Our services are about 90 minutes: 30 full minutes of worship, a 45 minute sermon, and 15 minutes of ministry time at the end of service, which includes prayer for the congregation and prayer available for individuals.
Do I have to say anything, give any money, or be singled out in any way?
No, you won't be pointed out or made to feel uncomfortable in any way. You should have a meaningful, stress-free experience, and you may even have some fun! For those who consider Foothill Vineyard their church home, we provide an opportunity to give an offering, but we encourage newcomers to simply relax and receive the service as our gift to them. Additionally, visitors can come to the welcome table on the patio before or after service. If you let us know it’s your first time, we’ll have a gift bag with some goodies and helpful informational about Foothill Vineyard.
Can I plan my visit ahead of time?
Fill out the form below to let us know when you plan to visit, so someone from our church family can greet you by name at the welcome table. We'll help answer any questions you have, show you how to get your kids checked in (if needed), and show you around to help you feel more at home. Save time to grab a free coffee and some pastries before service starts!