Where do I go from here?
Our goal is to equip people to live out God’s purpose and do Kingdom work in their everyday lives. A strong foundation is important, and if you’re wondering where to begin, we recommend Vineyard 101, Starting Point, or a Spiritual Formation class. They provide a solid bedrock of who we are, what we believe, and how we work towards transformation in our personal lives, developing a deeper and more intimate relationship with Christ. Each class is taught periodically throughout the year, so there’s always another chance to take them!
FVC Equipping Classes
Starting Point
Starting Point is a gathering where your questions about God turn into a conversation about faith. In a Starting Point group, you can discuss your doubts and explore the trickiest topics of faith, free from pressure and judgment. We face our misconceptions about God and the unbelievable reality of grace.
Spiritual Formation
Spiritual Formation is the process of being formed, in the image of Christ, for the sake of others.
This class will challenge you to grow your relationship with God from an objective one (knowing about God) to a subjective one (experiencing God in a life changing way.) If you want to deepen every aspect of your faith and relationship with God - this is a great place to start!
Vineyard 101
Vineyard 101 offers a history of the Vineyard Movement and the vision for our church moving forward. We focus on seeing the Kingdom of God at work in our lives and learning to work, as partners with God’s Spirit, to bring Heaven to earth.
Come and learn how you were intended to thrive - through worship services, personal devotion, living in community, and equipping you to “do the stuff” of God’s Kingdom.
Vineyard 201
The class introduces the basics of Kingdom Theology and the in-breaking of Heaven on earth. It highlights the way that God is actively working in the world and how we can see his restoration and healing even now. It explores how we can actively play a role in bringing forth this Kingdom, while ultimately leaving the results in God’s hands. It sets our eyes on where God is moving now, even as we wait to see how he will fully restore the world in the future.
Gift-Based Ministry
This class explores how to identify and effectively use your spiritual gifts and spiritual styles to glorify and serve the Kingdom of God with our everyday lives.
God created you uniquely and intentionally, so this course aims to give you insight to connect with God more freely by finding the spiritual style that suits you. Find the way God wired you for connections and see it deepen your conversational relationship with Jesus.
5-Step Prayer Model
This class covers the Vineyard model of prayer, breaking the process of praying for others down into 5 simple steps. It focuses on practical advice for inviting the Holy Spirit, asking and listening, and sharing in what God is actively doing in the lives of believers. This class will equip and encourage any member to step into participating in God’s work here and now.
Stephen's Ministry Training
This course trains ordinary people to walk others through any life trials. It prepares people for real-life ministry and how to handle phone calls, home visits, and provide care for anyone who needs extra support in this season of life, such as empty-nesting, divorce, relocation, job transition, etc. It equips you to draw others out and point them back to Christ, equipping you to live out ministry in your everyday life. It focuses on building intentional relationships and listening skills to shower others with the love of Christ.